Senior Researcher

La ricerca in ambito educativo, didattico, teorico e riabilitativo è al centro del mio lavoro.

Ho coordinato numerosi progetti di ricerca per l’associazione culturale la prima radice dal 2017 al 2024. Attualmente come freelance coordino progetti con docenti e professionisti in ambito culturale e sono Senior Researcher dell’equipe “la prima radice/ricerca”, che progetta libri digitali e cartacei, dirige una rivista on line e cura rassegne culturali e convegni.

Il mio profilo (English):

My research is mainly on theme of  Alterity. 
In this perspective I develop Research projects on Cultural History, Philosophy, Philosophy of Education, Arts and Creative process, Psychoanalysis.

I have studied (from 2006 to 2017) cross-cultural interactions to the development of modern Western perceptions of its own culture and other cultures (the “other”) throughout the analysis of the reception of the Christian apologetics in Europe and in Byzantine territories. I studied these intersections in the light of the historical and political conjuncture and philosophical relevance according to the Comparative Political Thought, that involves methods of multi-disciplinary research based on the assumption of the fundamental role of exchanges among different cultural legacies to build the identity of the people. These  studies are collected in the book “Western perception of Islam”, Wipf an Stock.

My research continues by analyzing the perception of Otherness, according to different fields.  I have published: Artiterapie, l’ipotesi filosofica (2016), Andrej Tarkovskij, il cinema del sacrificio (2018), Per una pedagogia dell’alterità (2020). I edit the Journal on line “Filart” and Monographic series “la prima radice/ricerca”, where I have published several books. I also wrote some poetry books and children books.

My last book  is “Metafora e trasformazione, una lettura de Il principe di Machiavelli” (2022).

MA in Philosophy at University of Genoa, Italy
PhD at University of Genoa, Italy
Independent Researcher

• Islam e cristianesimo, mondi di differenze nel Medioevo, Genova University Press, 2012.
• The Western Perception of Islam between the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Wipf and
Stock, 2017.
• Metafora e trasformazione, un lettura de Il principe di Machiavelli, libreria universitaria
edizioni, 2022.

Edited Volumes
• Tommaso d’Aquino, Prologhi ai commenti aristotelici, Genova, Il melangolo, 2003. (This
is the First Italian Edition and Translation of The Prologues to the Aristotelian Commentaries of Thomas of Aquinas)

Articles and Book Chapters
• 1. “Il problema della libertà nel De pace fidei di Nicola da Cusa”, Catanzaro, Rubbettino
Editore, 2009.
• 2. “La metafora nel XXI sermone di Nicola da Cusa”, Firenze, in CET, 2008
• 3. “Religiosità e teoria marxista in Simone Weil”, Firenze, CET, 2011
• 4. “Simone Weil”, La Meridiana, in La fede ribelle, ed. A. De Sanctis, Morcelliana, 2011.
• 5. “Riccoldo da Montecroce e Nicola Cusano: l’identità cristiana di fronte all’Islam”, in A
Caccia dell’infinito, ed. C. Catà, Aracne, 2011.

• 6. “Perspectives on Islam in Italy and Byzantium in Middle Ages and Renaissance”, in Nicholas of Cusa and Islam, ed. D. Duclow, I. Levy, Brill 2014.

Teaching Experience
• University of Genoa 2003- 2012, Philosophy, History of Political Thought, Political
Philosophy, Sociology of communication.

Select Professional Presentations
• 1. “Martin Buber and Nicholas of Cusa on alterity”, American Renaissance Society,
• 2. “Alterity as disease in the thought of Michel Foucault”, International Congress
“Alterity”, University of Genoa, July 2014
• 2 “Perspectives on Islam in Italy and Byzantium”, Gettysburg Seminar, October 2012
• 3 “The legacy of Machiavelli: a new method for a new science”, NPSA Congress,
Boston, November, 2010.
• “Cribratio of Nicholas of Cusa”, American Renaissance Society, Venice, April 2010
• 4 “The sources on Qur’an of Nicholas of Cusa”, NPSA Congress, Philadelphia,
November 2009
• 5 “Nicholas of Cusa and Islam”, International Congress of Medieval Studies,
Kalamazoo, Michigan and American Cusanus Society, May 2009.”
• 6 “Il problema della libertà nel De pace fidei di Nicola da Cusa” (The problem of freedom in the De pace fidei of Nicholas of Cusa) first Congress of Historians of Political
Doctrines in Parma, University of Parma, May 2008.
• 7 “Alcune problematiche nell’ambito della metodologia della ricerca storica in
riferimento al periodo tardo- medievale nei territori germanici”, Pisa, La giovane
germanistica, Convegno nazionale, 2006.
• 8 “Comunicazione politica e memoria culturale”, Pisa, Pisa, La giovane germanistica,
Convegno nazionale, 2006.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
• 1 “Alcune problematiche nell’ambito della metodologia della ricerca storica in
riferimento al periodo tardo- medievale nei territori germanici”, Pisa, Quaderni di Jacques 2006, pp. 13-19.

• 2 “Comunicazione politica e memoria culturale”, Pisa, Quaderni di Jacques, 2007, pp. 202-210.
• 3 “I prologhi di Tommaso d’Aquino” in Pisa, Bollettino di Filosofia telematica,2007.
• 4 “Nicholas of Cusa and Islam” Medieavistik, 1/2011
• 5 “The Organic Methaphor in the De concordantia catholica” Viator, Brepols, 2013.
• 6. “Esempi pagani in Nicola da Cusa e Marsilio da Padova”, Rivista di Ascetica e
Mistica, 2013.
• 7. “The Interreligious Dialogue in De docta ingnorantia of Nicholas of Cusa” Medieval
Encouters, Brill, 2014.
• 8. “The Interreligious Dialogue before and after Nicholas of Cusa: An Exegetical
Approach”, Mirabilia Journal (online), 2014.
• 9. “I colori nell’opera di Nicola da Cusa”, Mirabilia Journal (online), 2020.

. 10 “Uno sguardo sull’alterità tra medioevo ed età moderna”, Mirabilia Journal, 2022.

Review “Estetica”, Il melangolo, 2/2003. Review “Eidos”, Il melangolo, 1/2003
1 Amartya Sen, Identità e violenza, tr. it. 2007. “Il Pensiero Politico”, 2009
2 Gianluca Briguglia, Il corpo dello Stato, Milano 2006. “Il Pensiero Politico”, 1, 2009
3 Nicholas of Cusa and Islam, “Newsletter of American Cusanus Society”, September 2010
4 Vasileios Syros, Die Rezeption der aristotelischen politischen Philosophie bei Marsilius von Padua, Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2008. Polis, “Il Pensiero Politico” 2010, and Polis, “Journal for Greek political thought”, 2010.
5 Cary J. Nederman, Lineages of European Political Thought: Explorations Along the Medieval-Modern Divide from John of Salisbury to Hegel, Washington, The Catholic University of American Press, 2009. “Il Pensiero Politico”, 1, 2010.
6 Antony Black, The West and Islam, Religion and Political Thought in World History, New York, Oxford University Press, 2008. “Il Pensiero Politico”, 1, 2010.
7 Bakos On Faith, Rationality, and the Other in Late Middle Ages: A Study of
Nicholas of Cusa’s Manuductive Approach to Islam, Pickwick, 2011, pp. 341.
8 Silvia Ronchey, Ipazia, Rizzoli, 2010, Il pensiero politico, 2011.

9. J. Tolan e Boissellier, La cohabitation religieuse dans les villes européennes, X-XV siècles, Brepols, 2014, Il pensiero politico, 2015.


• Postdoctoral Short term Fellowship at University of Notre Dame, Indiana, Usa, academic year 2011-2012.
• Admission to the Postdoctoral Program in Medieval Studies at Pontifical Institute for Medieval Studies in Toronto for academic year 2011/12.
• Grant award for Istanbul seminars on Interreligious Dialogue, Bilgi University and Resetdoc, May 2011.
• Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Genoa for 2006-2009.
• PISAI (Istituto Pontificio per gli Studi Arabi e Islamistica), Roma, Research work for PhD dissertation. December 2007.
• Institut für Cusanus-Forschung, Trier, visiting student, 2007.
• Institut Francais du Proche-Orient, Damask, and University of Saint Joseph, Beyrut, as visiting student 2008. One month of intensive study of Arabic and medieval Islamic philosophy, Private teacher.
• International Congress of Medievistic, Kalamazoo, 2008.
• International Congress of Medievistic, Kalamazoo, 2009
• Gettysburg Seminar, grant offered by American Cusanus Society, 2012.

Professional Activities and Service

. Reviewer and translator (free lance) (2002-present): philosophy, art, history.

2025-present Independent Researcher

Senior Researcher, Associazione culturale la prima radice, Genova-Trento, 2017-2024
• Research Fellow in the History of Political Thought, Department of Political Science, Genoa 2006- 2012
• Member of the Research Project: The religious influence on the political thought in the
XX century; 2008-9
• Member of the Project: History of Political Thought: Teaching on line, University of
Genoa, 2008.
• Member of the Research Project: The Metaphor in the History of Political Thought,
University of Genoa, 2006-7
• Lecturer in Philosophy (Foucault’s genealogy), Department of Philosophy, Genoa 2003.